Today our plan was to continue brainstorming (a.k.a. brainf***ing). Multiple mental orgies between gadgets, technologies and objects took place. As a result we came up with around 5o ideas that were organized across four major areas.

  1. WEB 2.1
  2. UPcycling; 3rd World countries; Sustainability
  3. Weird interfaces
  4. The Internet of Things/ Internet Zero

Now the super geek [sly] is working on a program that will self-align our brainf***ing shit (brainstorm results) to an ideal state.. or NOT! this will be made possible by linking different shits together and assigning attraction or repulsion parameters. The degree of attraction or repulsion will determine its final position once the program is executed. We’ll post the code if things work out as planned…. Sorry the program didn’t happen! 😦

Dissection Items for Dinner Tonight:

1 Sexy MTv Roller Ball Mouse & 1 meaty USB Keyboard

Inside joke for today:

“Why do you guys use firefox?”

“Coz it has a bug.”

Now some pictures from today..